Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Do I still need to give my baby vitamins even if I’m exclusively breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is best for your child’s nutrition. However, does that mean that you shouldn’t give your baby vitamins? Get the answer from our expert.

Q: Do I still need to give my baby vitamins even if I'm exclusively breastfeeding?

A: Breastfeeding is the only nutritionally complete source of nutrition for baby's first six months. Hence, even without vitamins, breastfeeding assures the completeness of all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they will need. In fact, to be very strict about it, when we say exclusive breastfeeding for six months, we really mean NO water, NO formula and NO vitamins. However, for those who give their babies vitamins before their sixth month, there are no contraindications too.

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The Joy of Breastfeeding

Television host, TV producer, former magazine editor and restorer of antique jewelry Daphne Osena-Paez shares the joys and challenges of breastfeeding.

I’ve spent the past eight years, either being pregnant, having babies or breastfeeding. I now have three daughters – Sophia is 7, Lily is 4 and Stella just turned 1—all were breastfed for at least 12 months. I’m still breastfeeding the youngest. That’s a long time to be giving up one’s body for the sake of her children. But it hasn’t felt that way at all. These eight years have been the most beautiful and powerful time of my life.

“I exclusively breastfed all three girls for the first 6 months despite the demanding work schedule.”
It’s not like all I did was drown in domestic bliss either. I continued to work throughout pregnancy, motherhood and nursing. These years have been the most productive for me – independently producing and hosting a TV show, discovering a new talent for designing jewelry and building a brand of home products. Unlike most working mothers, I did not have maternity leaves. With Sophia, I was back at work after 4 weeks. With Lily, I shot a TV commercial on the 10th day after giving birth. With Stella, I had 5 weeks before shooting a commercial and going back to work. I exclusively breastfed all three girls for the first 6 months despite the demanding work schedule.

“I was just doing what for me was the most normal and natural.”
Whenever I share this glory, I get “oohs” and “aahs” like I deserve a medal for being a breastfeeding mom. I don’t know why it impresses people. I was just doing what, for me, was the most normal and natural. It all went hand in hand – pregnancy, motherhood, breastfeeding. It was just a matter of being organized. I wish my situation is more the rule rather than the exception. But in this country only 34% of mothers exclusively breastfeed their children in the first 6 months.

“Breastfeeding is a choice and a commitment.”
People always ask me how I did it – work and breastfeed. I wish I could say it’s as easy as bringing a breast pump and expressing milk every 3-4 hours. I mean it is, but it also takes more than that. Breastfeeding is a choice and a commitment. Yes I brought a manual breast pump with me everywhere I went. I also carried an insulated cooler-type lunch box to keep the milk refrigerated while in transit. I pumped in the car, in mall fitting rooms and in the makeup room. I had established a system of refrigeration and freezing. I did all that, but not all by myself.

As much as I’d like to take credit for successfully breastfeeding all three kids, I couldn’t have done it without the help of people around me.”
The success of my breastfeeding relied heavily on the support of my husband, the entire household, my doctors, my work colleagues and friends. Everyone I knew I was a breastfeeding mama. I made it known to them – so that they could help me. My friends knew I had to pump every now and then. We stayed away from smoky and polluted places. The shop girls at the mall knew I had to borrow their dressing rooms when I had to pump. My house staff knew how to store and thaw the milk. My husband was supportive and proud, and he massaged my back whenever I needed relief. More importantly, he took on the job of burping the babies after a long feed. That was his bonding time with the baby. Even my older kids participated. They were in charge of making sure the pillow on my back stayed in place. The people at work during shoots, knew I had to take occasional breaks in order to express. They sometimes stood as my human fitting room, holding up my shawl to help cover me up. As much as I’d like to take credit for successfully breastfeeding all three kids, I couldn’t have done it without the help of people around me.

I don’t even remember why I wanted to breastfeed. I don’t think I gave myself a choice. Like I said, it was just natural. I never once considered giving my newborns infant formula. During my first pregnancy, I developed a blood clot in my uterus on the 3rd month and this threatened the survival of my baby. I was on complete bed-rest for almost two months. I had a lot of time to read and research on breastfeeding. We also took birthing classes. Before giving birth I told my OB-Gyn and pediatrician that I plan to breastfeed. I had normal deliveries for all three. And all three babies were put on my chest the moment they were born. All latched on within minutes. None of them have developed any allergies or asthma. They never got diarrhea or caught infections when they were babies.

“Breastfeeding was the most convenient thing – no bottles, no snacks, no powdered milk, only the comfort of being on my breast.”
I will tell you that breastfeeding is the most natural and normal part of motherhood. But it is also a learned skill. It isn’t the easiest at first, and it can be painful in the start, but once you establish a rhythm, it is the most convenient and beautiful process. All three kids have traveled on long-haul flights with us when they were infants and toddlers. Breastfeeding was the most convenient thing – no bottles, no snacks, no powdered milk, only the comfort of being on my breast.

I nursed my babies everywhere – in malls, restaurants, airports, cars, parks. I do not own a fancy cover-up bib. I simply used a shawl in places where I felt I required discretion. People are still not comfortable seeing mothers nurse in public. But it was comforting to get smiles and approving nods from other mothers (and fathers) who were going through the same thing as I was. It was like we had a secret code of approval and support. I wish to have a better culture of breastfeeding in this country.

I am far from being an expert on breastfeeding. I’ve read up on it, had a few sessions from experts, and the rest I’ve learned from just doing it. But all babies are different. With my second child I encountered some difficulty because I was doing things wrong. I fell into a trap. I thought an electric pump would increase my milk production, but instead I ended up with an infection. After three weeks of medication, I went back to breastfeeding again, got rid of my electric pump and stuck to my manual pump for when I was working. By the time I had my third baby, I learned how to hand express during the first month when everything was sensitive.

In a few months or maybe even weeks, my youngest daughter will start to wean herself. I can see the signs. She’s distracted. She’s got 8 teeth. She’s walking on her won. I’ve fed all three babies on demand. And I can tell that that with her newly-found independence, she is demanding less milk from me. I take cues from my kids and let the weaning process happen naturally. No pills, no medication. We go through it together.

It has been eight years of being a dedicated and hands-on mother. But this, obviously, is not the end. Mothering never ends. I know I can’t breastfeed them forever. With each weaning I felt extremely emotional. I had enjoyed every moment of being their source of nutrition and love. It may have been the first language of love between my kids and me, but, of course, there are many. Now we are all armed with a strong sense of security and an even stronger bond. And I know, in my heart, that I gave them the best start in life.

Daphne Osena-Paez is a television host, TV producer, former magazine editor and restorer of antique jewelry. She was tapped to join UNICEF as a Special Advocate for Children early this 2010.

Photos by Real Kids Photography

10 Tips for Breastfeeding Success

Try these 10 tips from the World Health Organization and the Department of Health to help you learn, adjust to, and properly plan successful breastfeeding.

While newborn babies nurse instinctively, it often takes new moms a little longer to get the hang of breastfeeding. Most lactation experts agree that attitude, planning, and technique are crucial to successful breastfeeding.

Get informed. Breastfeeding is best for you and your baby. Allow yourself to be aware of the benefits to provide you the “I can do it” attitude to start and continue breastfeeding. Ask a supportive health professional who can guide you through the how tos of breastfeeding and discuss other related concerns.

Advise your caregiver. Inform your doctor and the nursery staff that you want to breastfeed so that you and your baby will have skin to skin contact immediately after delivery or within the first hour. Make arrangements for regular visits to the nursery for breastfeeding or request that the baby rooms in with you.
Enlist your partner’s support. A child’s nutrition is a shared responsibility. Getting your husband, and even your family, to be supportive of breastfeeding allows you to be motivated to do it. There are breastfeeding meetings that couples can attend that offer practical ideas on how the fathers can contribute in nursing.

Know your breasts. Regardless of shape and size, almost all women can breastfeed. If your nipples are inverted or you had previous breast surgery, go to a doctor for consultation to allow you to discuss ways to still make breastfeeding possible.

Nurse within the first hour after birth. Breast feed your baby soon after birth when your baby is wide awake and sucking instinct is very strong. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that babies who are nursed within the first hour of birth are more likely to become successful breastfeeders.

Nurse often. Frequent nursing in the early days helps you and your baby to get comfortable with breastfeeding and allows you to establish your milk supply. Learn to interpret your child’s hunger cues like being alert, putting hand near mouth, and whimpering.

Express milk regularly. Most mothers find that they are able to produce plenty of milk and their breasts easily get engorged. Express milk manually or with a pump to relieve your breasts from fullness and to keep up your milk supply. You may use the expressed milk for your baby’s next feeding or store it for future use. Breastmilk is good for 24 hours in room temperature, up to 1 week in the refrigerator, 2 weeks in your freezer, and can be stored for 6 months to 1 year in a deep freezer.

Hold off the pacifier. Introducing a pacifier can cause nipple confusion. Hold off its use until your breastfeeding routine is going well and your milk supply is well established, which is usually three to four weeks after delivery.

Encourage your baby to latch on. Stroke your baby’s cheek or lower lip to stimulate latching. To determine if the baby is latched on correctly, make sure your areola and nipple are both in the baby’s mouth and positioned above his tongue. The baby’s lower lips shouldn’t be drawn into his mouth and his chin is touching your breast.

Do not be discouraged when your baby has difficulty latching on. It does take practice for both mother and child.

Get comfortable. When breastfeeding, find a quiet spot to nurse. Sit in a comfortable chair or listen to soothing music. Studies show, and as most nursing moms share, that a calm mind, body, and surrounding allows for a more pleasant breastfeeding experience.

There are a lot of books and manuals on how to make breastfeeding a successful experience. Some new moms usually seek the help of family or friends who have breastfed. There are also breastfeeding support groups who meet regularly and can help you get started and continue breastfeeding.

For more information about breastfeeding, log on to

SOURCE: Flyer from a collaborative project by the Department of Health (DOH), the World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with SM Supermalls.

Breastfeeding Basics

Breastfeeding – the Facts

Key facts
• Every infant and child has the right to good nutrition according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
• Undernutrition is associated with 35% of the disease burden in children under five.
• Globally 30% (or 186 million) of children under five are estimated to be stunted and 18% (or 115 million) have low weight-for-height, mostly as a consequence of poor feeding and repeated infections.
• On average 35% of infants 0-6 months old are exclusively breastfed. In the Philippines the figure is 34%.
• Optimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices can save the lives of 1.5 million children under five each year.

Why is exclusive breastfeeding so important?
The first two years of a child’s life are particularly important, as optimal nutrition during this period will lead to reduced morbidity and mortality, due to reduced risk of chronic diseases and to overall better development. In fact, optimal breastfeeding and complimentary feeding practices are so critical they can save the lives of 1.5 million children under five each year. WHO and UNICEF recommendations for optimal infant and young child feeding are:
• Early initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth, and a long breastfeed (not removing the baby after a few minutes)
• Exclusive breastfeeding (no water or other liquids) for the first six months of life
• The introduction of adequate and safe complementary foods at six months together with continued breastfeeding up to two years and beyond.

What are the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding?
Exclusive breastfeeding for six months has many benefits for the infant and mother. Chief among these is the protection against gastro-intestinal infections, pneumonia and neonatal sepsis which is observed not only in developing but in industrialized countries. The risk of mortality due to diarrhea and other infections increases in infants who are either partially breastfed or not breastfed at all.

Breast milk is also an important source of energy and nutrients in children 6-23 months of age. It can provide one half or more of a child’s energy needs between 6 and 12 months of age, and one third of the energy needs between 12 and 24 months. Breast milk is also a critical source of energy and nutrients during illness and reduces mortality among children who are malnourished.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding and basic information on breastfeeding expectant moms should know.

Adults who were breastfed often have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol as well as lower rates of overweight, obesity and type-2 diabetes. Breastfeeding also contributes to the health and well-being of mothers; it reduced the risk of ovarian and breast cancer and helps space pregnancies.

What are the most basic (and important) information on breastfeeding expectant mothers should be aware of?
• Breast milk is complete food.
• Breastfeed within the first hour after giving birth.
• Breastfeed often to increase milk production.
• Do not give water or other liquids or solids in the first 6 months of life.

SOURCE: WHO Infant and Young Child Feeding Factsheet, July 2010;